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What To Wear

Costumes are not required, but help make the night more FUN.

Masquerade Formal with a masquerade mask, will work for any participant and is encouraged.  You can purchase masks at the Dollar Tree.

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Dressing Up

I didn't purchase a suspect package, but I want to dress up...


If you didn't purchase a suspect package but desire to dress as a character, some ideas of dress up may include any persona you may typically see at a historical society fundraiser, such as Reporters, Chefs, Anonville Historical Society Members,  Anonville Police Officers, etc...


I purchased a suspect package; how should I dress...

If you purchased a suspect package, it would be fun to dress as your character.  This will make the evening theme come to life.  Be creative and try to incorporate your character persona as much as possible into your costume.  If for some reason you have not received your suspect package in your email, please contact us at  

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